Tuesday, November 4, 2008

at 6:59 PM Posted by Kevin 2 comments

To say the least I’m emotional. I’m excited, scared, apprehensive, anticipatory, wishful, and relieved. I have to have all of these feelings because I’ve been so engaged in this election and the candidate. I've followed the two candidates positions. I have seen every single democratic debate and the majority of republican debates. I gritted my teeth through Clinton and Obama’s never-ending primary battle. I survived McCain and Obama’s mudslinging. Now its here: the big day.

Overall, I’ve noticed many people's differing views on the election. A lot of people are ready for it to be over; they are sick of being proselytized about the candidates. I got up this morning at 6:30 (I’m a morning person), went to the union to watch my favorite news program, Morning Joe, to see election news. But someone was watching Sport Center, “come on, I thought to myself, it’s the election!” so I didn’t get to see Minka and Willy (newscasters of Morning Joe).
Many touting that the pools say Obama is in the lead. For some reason, it aggravates me to hear others solidifying his lead. I want him to win so much; the thought of overconfidence is like an omen that something wrong is bound to happen. Call me superstitious or just emotional. When I’m doing homework, every thirty minutes or so I interrupt myself to check online for new developments even though I know that the earliest pools don’t close until 7:00 pm.

It will be a long night.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

at 10:52 AM Posted by Kevin 4 comments

Large scale wind turbines use the kinetic energy of winds to spin a shaft which is connected to a generator that produces electricity. Many sizes and types exists, however, for the scope of this post I will only detail the large turbines that are used in wind farms. Wind energy has the following advantages: it is clean and renewable, produced in the US, will stimulate economy especially in rural areas because farmers can still use their land, turbines take up little space, and the cost of turbines and energy produced by them are falling. However, their are still disadvantages: the cost of the energy depends on the location (high wind locations best), the best wind sites (Midwest) are far from big cities, some complain of "noise pollution" (loud), and wind turbines kill a large amount of birds (due to collision). Going slightly off topic, wind turbines that kill birds should not be used as a reason for its discontinued usage. Besides, birds die constantly from flying into buildings, homes, being hit by cars, and shocked by electrical wires. This website is good if you want to know more about birds and turbines.

Currently the US leads the world in wind energy production, with 5,244 MW in 2007. The largest turbines in US can each produce 3MW of power. A major report by the US Department of Energy states that 20% of energy can come from wind by 2030 if the number of turbines increases, adding better transmission lines from turbines to sources where the power is needed, and others. The department believes that wind energy can come down to 0.5 cents per kW/h. However there are challenges (availability of raw materials). I believe wind energy can be a viable energy source if the cost of production is low and they are in good locations for capturing wind energy.
The following details the size of turbines:

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

at 11:00 PM Posted by Kevin 0 comments

Beginning this blog project, I simply appreciated the need for renewable fuels and did not look skeptically about renewable fuels and the numerous issues surrounding them. Thorough investigation of the issue enabled be to notice the connections between the different types of renewable fuels, global warming, national security, the economy, and the election. In the realm of researching, I have learned to filter and absorb quality information on the Net with greater clarity and efficiency.

I began to think skeptical in my second post which I write about Boone T. Pickens plan, a highly publicized plan that calls for increased drilling for natural gas drilling and wind power plants. I lacked deep knowledge about the issue. However, I began to think critically. My first critical thinking started with theorizing that Pickens may not want to seek renewable fuels out of the "goodness of his heart". The reasons being that natural gas is not renewable and that he has major investments in wind power and natural gas. My analytical skepticism continued to the election.

I explored how this issue will be deeply affected by the upcoming election and examined the two candidates views: McCain favors increased domestic oil drilling, will not lower emission standards for cars, will give “prize money” for the person who perfects the hybrid car, and others. Whereas, Obama will invest actual money ($250 billion spanning 10 years), he plans to tax oil companies to fiscally support struggling families pay for gas, he has other specific plans and projected deadlines to increase renewable fuel production. Then, I endorsed somewhat mildly Obama as the best president to advance renewable fuels properly. My endorsement for the issue stemmed from my research and thoughtful analysis of the many different posits and implications of the campaigns’ plans.

Throughout this project I started to more clearly realize that this issue is a keystone issue; related and dependent on many other issues. Global warming is tightly woven into the issue. Nonrenewable fuels, fossil fuels, heavily contribute to warming by producing greenhouse gases. Our national security depends on America’s ability to find fuels to satiate the energy needs of American people in the common years. Because in the future we will have to compete with other countries for foreign oil that will have an increasing demand with decreasing supply. Our economic well-being is also balanced on finding renewable fuels. As oil prices rise, jobs and the overall economy falls. I also believe through my research that renewable fuels can help create domestic jobs, domestic being the operative word, thus stimulate our economy.

I was stimulated to seek reasons for our continued dependence on foreign oil the previous outpouring of corporate tax cuts to oil companies. In my search, I quickly learned that big oil lobbyists hold much influence in Washington for their sustained fiscal "endowments". Also, I now recognize that external events that control public sentiment can decrease or increase the perceived necessity of renewable energy independence. The current financial crisis has decreased the need to seek renewable energy because gas prices have plummeted due to the fear of a global recession.

Continued writing on the issues I deemed most important has allowed me to form all of the aforementioned connections. Also, responding to blog posts has tested my knowledge on the issue and, many times, has forced me to reevaluate my thinking and research more about topics especially types of fuels that should be advanced. In my website, I give detailed description about the pros and cons of many different types of renewable fuels/energy. I have reasoned for or against many renewable fuels in my posts.

In conclusion, this project extends beyond renewable fuels because I have already begun to think analytically, skeptically, and personally about the myriad of controversial issues and current events. I will take the skills (especially research strategies) I have learned from my deep analysis of this issue and impart them on other issues.

at 10:19 PM Posted by Kevin 0 comments

Earth Policy Institute

This website details how we can become a more sustainable nation through the creation of renewable fuels. It clearly states the pros and cons while giving the opinions of many environmentalists. It has links to their podcasts, videos, books, and other sources of information for the issue. 
The National Resource Defense Council deals with many issues related to bettering the environment from global warming to saving wildlife (also, of course, renewable energy). It is a very easy website to follow with related detailed policy on the issues and well-researched facts to support their claims. 
If you want to know more about ethanol, this site is for you. It details with a great degree of clarity the different types of ethanol. It details recent legislation affecting ethanol; it states and explains the pros and cons of the energy source and how it will fit into America's economy. Also, it gives predictions based on evidence for the future of ethanol. 
This is more of an entertaining website designated to the issue. It gives a good amount of information relating to renewable fuels with responses from readers. It is not just limited to renewable fuels. If you want to learn about overall "going green" this is a good resource site. 
The title sums up the website. It also details the issues surrounding renewable fuels, given more of proponent's viewpoint. It has a ton of graphics and videos, many of which are in my blog. 
This site is much more narrow in its nature. If you want to learn about how big oil companies especially Exxon influences our dependence on nonrenewable fossil fuels, go to this blog. Its very informative. 
This site gives statistics from the government about current energy consumption statistics at a state level to the nation. 
This gives a good overview of current renewable energies if you want quick, pithy summaries. It focuses on vehicle technologies, building technologies, industrial, and almost all other energies. 

Monday, October 27, 2008

at 1:13 PM Posted by Kevin 3 comments

Many are skeptical over ethanol, which is produced from biomass (commonly corn and soy beans), production fearing increasing food prices. January of this year the cost of soy beans and corn were at an all time high. This results in many countries seeing in an increase of prices of food relating to biomass used in ethanol such as (pork, beef, milk, poultry).  In US almost 90% of ethanol is produced from corn because of its low cost, is converted to glucose, then fermented and distilled to produce ethanol. However, due to the cons many have turned to cellulosic ethanol. 
Cellulose is a hard external wall found within plants. It is more difficult to convert cellulose to glucose, then from the previous sources. However, a major pro is that more sources are made available (in the following sentence). It also interfere with food prices because it can be produced from, cornstalks, wheat straw, trees, wood chips, grass, etc. Ethanol from cellulose is said to have the ability to displace 30% of the US's petroleum consumption. Also, it will stimulate economic growth by producing jobs, and will reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The Natural Resource Defense Council believes that by 2012, cellulosic ethanol will be able to compete with gasoline. 
The following is a good  pictorial representation of the production of cellulosic ethanol. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

at 8:32 PM Posted by Kevin 4 comments

Solar panels harvest energy from the sun to generate electricity. Many people know or have the small-scale panels seen in buildings and homes. However, massive solar power farms or plants generate electricity for a larger population of people. Germany, Spain, and Japan have led the development of these farms for generating commercial energy. The US has followed their lead, with the massive 250 acre 64 megawatt plant in Nevada.
A major reason why they have not been very popular because the high maintenance and development cost outweigh the generated electricity. Solar thermal power plants are cheaper than photovoltaic plants. Solar thermal cost about 15-17 cents per kilowatt/ hour as compared with conventional electricty which is between 5-8 cents per kilowatt/ hour/. Many say that solar power needs to cost 10 cents to be effective.  It is estimated, if we keep advancing solar thermal,  that by 2014 in the Southwest solar power can power over a million homes.  The solar thermal plants use sun's energy to heat liquid, which produces steam. This steam spins turbines that generate electricity. 
The benefits for solar energy are obvious. Solar energy is a renewable source that does not produce any pollutants. It is the cleanest possible. More should be done to advance solar plants: through increased government development and subsidies to solar companies. It is seeing a surge and will increase with proper funding and development. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

at 7:00 PM Posted by Kevin 0 comments

There is a good article in NY times titled "Alternative Energy Suddenly Faces Headwinds."  This details how the recent low gas prices affect the development of good fuels. I highly recommend it if you are interested in this issue.


Monday, October 20, 2008

at 8:10 PM Posted by Kevin 1 comments

In order to advance renewable fuels, the government needs to support their development. This can easily be achieved through tax incentives and funding. However, I believe that major oil companies lobbying efforts is one of the culprits of our reliance on foreign oil.  In 2005 major oil companies spent over $33,000,000 in lobbying efforts for Bush administration and congress. Their lobbying efforts have been productive. In 2005 big oil companies stripped a law from congress (as a result of their lobbying efforts) that would have raised their taxes, cut hundreds of millions of dollars worth in incentives, and cut provisions in a bill that threatened to cost the oil companies $5 billion.  I believe that most Americans know Washington politicians are corrupt. If the media would make a bigger issue over this problem, it could be reduced by the will of the people by creating transparency and accountability in congress.

Big Oil companies are not the only culprits. The OPEC, Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, which assesses the price of oil has spent more than $13 million in 2003
The oil and gas industry's major lobby, American Petroleum Institute, is currently spending millions on public advertisements to persuade voters "that rising energy prices are not the producers' fault and that government efforts to punish the industry, especially with higher taxes, would only make pricing problems worse." Many call their advertisements misleading. We can not allow lobbying groups to control how American's perceive the oil crisis. 
In conclusion lobbyists for oil companies and countries, have stunted the development of developing  renewable fuels.  Limiting the impact/influence of lobbyists will increase renewable fuels, I believe. 

at 6:04 PM Posted by Kevin 0 comments

Our economic, national, and environmental security is inextricably linked with nonrenewable foreign fossil fuels. In the past 4 years America has spent about $1.9 billion for foreign oil. This is a huge transfer of wealth into other countries' pockets.  Although current oil prices are down, oil prices sporadically fluctuate. With an increase in oil prices, jobs decline, spending slows, and corporate profits (except for oil companies) fall. Overall, the economy hurts. If our dependence on oil were to increase in the future, our economy will be at the mercy of foreign oil and prices created by OPEC. We could see our jobs plummeting to a new low. Citizens would be forced to be "un-American" by learning how to conserve more, fuel economy would have to be raised,  and alternate transportations would be enforced (bikes have seen a surge in popularity). 

National security will be at a threat because as countries industrialize, more oil in consumed. America will have to compete with other countries for oil. America only has 3% of oil reserves. It is said that global oil production would have to expand by 50% to meet the demands of other countries by 2025

Global warming is not breaking news. As our dependence on nonrenewable resources increases, we will hurdle ourselves into greater environmental uncertainty. I believe we will witness greater hurricanes and other storms, polar ice-caps will continue to melt and sea levels will rise, other effects of global warming will see an overall increase. 
We need to act now to hinder the growing threat foreign oil has on our economy, national security, and environmental safety. 

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

at 5:31 PM Posted by Kevin 0 comments

I recommend the following interesting blogs:

This blog, The Borderline, written by Emily introduces the illegal immigration from both sides. Well-sourced data backs up the blogger's opinions, which are somewhat subtle and inoffensive. She details why she supports Obama's policies toward illegal immigration and opposed the border fence. Also, she gives current, clear news affecting the issues. 

This blog created by St3Vzla is one of the more interesting blogs because it deals with uncommon topics.  She gives up-to-date policies and news of US and Columbia relations. Plan Columbia is exposed as failed plan for the drug war, which from the surface would/could be thought as a useful plan.  The Free Trade Agreement between US and Columbia is heavily mentioned.  St3Vzla has a clear understanding of the issues surrounding Columbia.

Kia writes this blog with incredible insight because he is an American-Iranian. He gives a concise overview of the Israel-Palestinian conflict and the Kurdish struggle.  I find this blog intriguing because I do not know as much as information I would like to know about the issues surrounding politics in the Middle East.  I find that most Americans know very little about the region, even though we are currently in war in Middle East. It is evident that Kia knows a great deal about the issues surrounding conflicts in the Middle East.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

at 10:42 AM Posted by Kevin 2 comments

Stocks fall and people’s fear rise, so the government decides buy stakes in banks. America follows Britain and the other European countries.  Yesterday, they guaranteed bank debt and took ownership stakes. The $250 out of the $700 billion bailout plan to “preserve” the free market, to unfreeze credit markets. Bush uses words of “preservation,” “limited,” and “temporary” to calm tension. Throwing money into the big and small banks to secure bad mortgage assets. Half of the money placed into small and the other into the big to increase lending to other banks and customers.  Paulson met with major CEOs of banks. He tells them to allow US to purchase their stocks for the good of economy. US long-term goal is to benefit monetarily.

Plan will get banks lending between other banks and customers to increases spending and jobs. Plan includes clipping the “golden parachutes” of major banking executives. F.D.I.C guarantees deposits to accounts that don’t bear interest and to all small-business deposits. Also, F.D.I.C issues unlimited deposit insurance. 

Monday, October 13, 2008

at 7:04 PM Posted by Kevin 3 comments

Renewable fuels and our dependence on nonrenewable resources impacts the lives of Americans in many facets. Increased greenhouse gas emissions from coal, oil, and natural gas press the need to advance cleaner, more sustainable fuel resources. Economically, the high price for gas strains the majority of American citizens. It is well-known that America needs to act in ways to advance renewable fuels. There is a large disagreement in America about how we should go about to advance renewable fuels; it is a fueled, contentious debate. In America, there are two clear sides, which the two presidential candidates have taken. 

The outcome of the looming election will impact how America deals with the issue hugely. Candidates Obama and McCain have two vastly dissimilar plans on attacking the issue. Obama plans to divert Americans away entirely from foreign oil in 10 years with a $15 billion investment annually.He also will make sure 10% of our energy is renewable in 2012 and 25% in 2025.  McCain says he also wants to invest in renewable sources, however, he does not detail monetarily how he will do so. McCain wants to eradicate the moratorium on offshore drilling to allow individual states to decide on the issue. The republican nominee will give $300 million dollar to the person who perfects the plug in hybrid. He will give $5,000 tax credit to those who buy a zero emission car. Obama will give a $7,000 tax credit and will give $4 billion in loans and tax credits to car companies so they can develop more environmentally friendly vehicles

I believe that we, as Americans, being the leaders in the world have the ability and responsibility to create or advance in environmentally friendly and pocket friendly fuels. We cannot rely on "prize money" like McCain believes to solve one of the most dire issues we face. Investing actual money in renewable resources is the only way we can perfect and use them. We need to strongly attack large companies and corporations that release greenhouse gas emissions. Giving tax breaks to Americans that produce less greenhouse gas emissions will also be helpful. Also, we need to treat this as a global issue and talk with other nations to arrive at ways to advance new fuel source while lessening those deemed obsolete. This issue is hard to solve, but it is not impossible. 

at 4:06 PM Posted by Kevin 9 comments

Although gas prices are decreasing because of the economic crisis, the price of still hurts the pockets' of American citizens.  Massive oil and natural companies hold nearly 68 million acres of offshore and onshore land leases currently not in use.More than 80% of the leases held by the companies are non-producing. Oil companies want these lands to be inactive to increase demand, thereby, increasing the price of oil and their profits. The very companies that have a surplus of land want to hoard more leases from the government so they can control the price of oil and gas. This speculation is wrong; I believe that the government should do more to protect Americans from this speculation and punish the oil companies. Not all believe that the oil companies are speculating. Many republicans want to expand off-shore drilling because they believe that the inactive land held by the companies is "tapped out," geologically unavailable, or that  there is no oil on these lands. I find it hard to believe that 68 million acres are entirely "tapped out" or unavailable, why would oil companies spend billions of dollars on these leases with the possibility that oil will not be found? The US Committee on Natural Resources report in "The Truth About America's Energy: Big Oil Stockpile Supplies and Pockets Profits" that using the acres will double America's oil production, increase natural gas production nearly 75%, and reduce or dependency on foreign oil by cutting imports by 1/3. These numbers seem too good to be true, but they come from a government report. I can only hope this issue will receive more media attention in the future. 

Obama's energy plan calls for a "use it or lose it" approach that requires oil companies to use their current sources before drilling for new ones. McCain rallies to strip the moratorium on offshore oil and overall expand America's oil production. Obama clearly wants to help end our dependence on the damaging fossil fuels. In a perfect world, we would run on renewable sources completely, however, we are transitioning to use less and less. If Obama is elected, we will have a greater chance at renewability.   

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

at 9:59 PM Posted by Kevin 2 comments

A great renewable energy source is geothermal, which provides energy for residential properties, commercial properties, and industries. Geothermal energy is energy harvested from the Earth. Steam is pumped from deep within the Earth, this steam is then used to rotate turbines that are connected to a generator. The generator creates the electricity. This source of energy is sustainable because the steam taken from the Earth can be reinserted. This source of energy is popular in Alaska, Hawaii, and western states because the ground near the surface of the Earth is between 50-60 degrees F. The major problem with geothermal energy is that it can only used in the aforementioned areas. Geothermal energy is environmentally beneficial because it uses the least amount of land of other energy sources, it is virtually free of pollutants (releases almost pure H2O vapor), has no waste disposal, and it is cheap and reliable. The above information was taken from this website. This source of energy only accounts for about 1% of the world's energy. I believe that more funding should be given to advance this source of energy because it is clean and it will help us deviate from our dependence on foreign oil and will bring us closer to environmental security. 

at 1:25 AM Posted by Kevin 0 comments

As American's living in the 21st century, we face a huge crisis. We need to end our dependence of foreign oil and we need to seek sustainable, environmentally friendly energy. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done. Much discordance arises over the transition to and exploration of renewable fuels. The extent to which renewable fuels are needed is a hotly debated issue in our current society. However, the disagreement of renewable fuels stems from the issue of global warming. Is it just a cyclical change in our environment or is it a direct cause of humans carelessly polluting the atmosphere? Also, disagreement exists over the types of renewable fuels that are best for us economically and environmentally. The two presidential candidates, Barrack Obama and John McCain, have fundamental policy differences in regard to renewable fuels. We need to understand and analyze the candidates' positions on this issue to make a more informed decision this November. The importance of this issue for American citizens changes with time because the economy, environment, and media’s coverage of it change.

The issues hovering over the global warming debate are necessary to understand the nuanced opinions over renewable fuels. People either believe it is a huge problem created by irresponsible humans or that the process is natural. Some believe that it is not happening at all. A brief synopsis of some of the different views helps to better understand the issue.  Global warming skeptics say that satellites do not show readings of warming temperature; in fact, the satellites depict a temperature decrease. Global warming proponents rebuke this point because they explain that thermometers on land show climate change quantitatively and that the satellites used to measure the temperature of the troposphere were discovered to be faulty. Opponents also believe that warming is a natural, cyclical change caused by Earth’s orbit around the Sun. Many scientists believe that natural forces cannot explain the nearly 1 ºF average global temperature increase since 1880 They also point out that the past eleven years have been the hottest out of the 12 hottest years ever recorded. The global warming debate is huge, and much more opinions and empirical evidence exists to support the growing debate. Other popular issues for debate include the melting of the polar icecaps, displacement of the polar bears, and the Sun’s role in the warming.

Most Americans believe that we need to stop pouring money into foreign markets. We import over 70% of all oil, and $700 billion from America will be transfered to other countries if oil remains at its current price. The high price of oil has taken a tole on jobs and foreclosures. There have been nearly 1,000,000 foreclosures since 2007 and the unemployment rate is currently around 6% and it is forecasted to continue to increase

Ideas to rid our dependence of foreign oil and to create more environmentally sound choices lead to numerous amounts of renewable energy. Biofuels, hybrid cars, plug in hybrids, electric vehicles, fuel cells or hydrogen-powered cars, wind turbines, solar panels, geothermal energy, and nuclear energy are the varies types of renewable resources. These have their benefits and downfalls. The major problems with hybrid cars are the high cost compared to the average car and they are not truly “green” because they still use gasoline. Biofuels can help us limit our dependence on foreign oil, but a recent New York Times article explaines research showing that biofuels can cause more carbon dioxide emissions than fossil fuels. Wind farms create clean, renewable energy in our country, however, some say that the energy will cost too much and worry that it is too unreliable. These are just a few of the issues surrounding the sustainable energy problem. Overall, nearly every main renewable energy source has its advantages and disadvantages. Seeking the perfect balance of renewable sources to end our dependence on foreign, environmentally threatening oil currently rests within our next president.

John McCain wants to explore America’s own oil and natural gas resources. Sarah Palin’s quote “drill baby, drill” epitomizes the campaign’s view toward domestic oil independence. McCain will enforce existing car mileage standards, he will invest $2 billion annually in clean fuel, revamp nuclear power plants, and he says he will give $300 million for the persons who perfect the plug-in hybrid. The above information was taken from the candidate's website. It seems that it will be hard for McCain to bring any influential change because he does not even want to raise fuel standards. Obama believes that instead of the $300 million incentive to perfect the plug-in hybrid, America needs to invest more money in finding renewable fuels. Obama says that he will raise the standards for fuels and invest $150 billion in new fuels over 10 years. He will increase the amount of plug-in hybrid cars on the road, by 2012 have 10% of energy from renewable sources, provide financial relief to those struggling beacuse of the gas taxes. Obama's points on energy was also taken from his website. Both McCain and Obama support a cap-and-trade program to decrease greenhouse emissions. A major fundamental difference between the candidates is that Obama says he will enact a windfall profit tax on domestic oil companies. He says he will use this tax to help struggling families pay for gas. He explains that McCain’s tax breaks will allow oil companies, like mogul Exxon, to have even larger profits.

The importance of discovering renewable fuels is linked to American sentiment. When the price of oil rose over $120 a barrel at the beginning of the summer and topped nearly $147 in July, scare and resentment toward foreign oil solidified in American’s minds. America’s economy dwindles because of the rising price in oil. When The long-term need for renewable sources were on the top of citizens’ checklists, the media and politicians followed the popular issue. Oddly enough, the current stock market crisis decreased the price of crude oil to nearly $90 a barrel because of the declining world economy. This offered somewhat of a relief in gas prices and moved the popular issue to the economy, not the energy crisis. The panic and alarm over gas prices was dissociated onto the US economic crisis.

Renewable energy is linked to many other issues. All of which need to be addressed to form one’s own opinions about the need for renewable energy. Global warming and our current economy cannot go unnoticed when discussing renewable fuels. The numerous types of renewable energy need further research and development. The future of the development depends on our next president. In conclusion, other developments in the US change the ranking of the energy crisis issue and the need for long-term renewable fuels.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

at 7:32 PM Posted by Kevin 4 comments

I am sure you have seen the Boone T. Pickens advertisements or the media buzz that follows his plan. Pickens made his billions in natural gas and oil. He is hugely popular and probably the most influential person discussing the need to end our dependence on foreign oil and to seek sustainable energy. His plan, Pickens Plan, details nearly every aspect of our energy crisis; he gives America hope that we can overcome it. It is nearly too good to be true. However, it is definitely not free from imperfections. Pickens wants to make wind power about 20% of America's energy and displace the use of natural gas for car fuel. He says that this will cut nearly $300 billion out of our foreign oil spending. He wants to take advantage of America's wind and create wind farms in the Midwest. I give thumbs up to Pickens for saving America money and placing the money in our country, however, I don't believe natural gas is the best resource. Yes, natural gas is cleaner, it is our second largest natural resource, and millions of cars already run on it. (Information from 3 above sentences taken from video at the bottom of the post). However, I believe that instead of shifting to natural gas we should shift to a more renewable plug in hybrid or electric vehicle. I realize that the cars' "renewability" depends on where the energy is coming from. If we stop buring coal, and rely on wind power, geothermal, solar panels, and maybe nuclear (although not the best) these electric cars will be even more environmentally advantageous. It is not clear to me whether Boone is doing this out of the "goodness of his heart" or because his business relations is linked into his plan. He has huge investments in compressed natural gas, he has a wind power company, and he supplies the most natural gas for fuel usage in the United States. I don't believe that his entire plan should be discredited on the fact that he has business ties into them: it is only human to advance oneself financially (although $3-4 billion seems enough). Boone's wind power company, Mesa Power, plans to build a multimillion dollar 4,000 megawatt wind farm project in Texas. This is one project where I believe Pickens is using his money and influence to greatly help the benefit of American people. Wind farms can help small communities economically, provides clean energy, and is becoming cheaper as more developments are made. Overall, I believe that Picken's Plan can be used to benefit our environment and economy. The rest of Pickens Plan will be discussed in a later blog (especially the pros and cons of his company Mesa Water)


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

at 10:01 PM Posted by Kevin 10 comments

America’s dependence on foreign oil has negative effects on two major fronts. First, it hurts America financially. The increase price of gasoline is hurting Americans and our economy: many are losing their jobs and cannot afford to spend money to help our economy. Oil prices seem to be skyrocketing daily with seemingly no end in sight. I believe that America should not pour money into foreign countries. A mind-boggling example of this is Dubai. Dubai has the ability to build almost imaginable buildings such as an indoor sky slop, the world’s biggest mall, an underwater hotel, and countless others. Yes, an underwater hotel! We spend more than $700 billion a year in oil or nearly $13 million worth per hour. This links our economic security in the hands of foreign countries, many of which we have "rickety" or unstable relations with (i.e. Hugo Chavez). We need to create energy on our land, so America can be investing in America. I believe this can be done and can be advantageous to our environment. The second major threat that oil poses is to our environment. Many people are skeptical about the existence of global warming and about what causes it. Some believe the that we are just going through a natural change in climate, there actually is no (reliable) evidence that points to global warming, and other "excuses."I believe, from empirical evidence, that carbon dioxide increase (from combustion of gasoline, deforestation, and from industries) is a huge factor in creating the global warming crisis. This issue is linked with the presidential race. America needs to chose a presidential candidate who supports efforts to decrease our dependence on foreign oil. These candidates should fiscally support new ways to develop energy and to support federal caps on greenhouse gas emissions. Natural gas, hydrogen power, solar energy, biofuels, and fuel cells are ways that, if funded and further developed, can help America end its dependence on oil. The following youtube video is a great! It touches upon almost all the major issues this blog will focus on.